Release your Past ~ Embrace the Present
Ever felt "sick to your stomach" when you are worried?
Or "butterflies in your belly" when nervous or excited?
The navel is considered the center of the body in many cultures and healing practices.
It is where life begins as the umbilical cord connects the embryo to the uterus wall and from where the fetus grows and develops.
By connecting with the very center from which healing arises, you embark on a transformative journey towards true healing, growth, and evolution.

# 1 New York Times Bestselling Author, award-winning speaker, investor, philanthropist & executive team coach
“I just want to say that there are some times when you walk on this planet and you meet somebody who has energy as a healer and I had that with Valerie today.
Valerie did one of the most extraordinary acts of healing bodywork. The stomach holds so much and I can’t do it justice but I can tell you that what was held, was released in such a way.
I’ve had energy work done and her presence and ability just to hold space was healing within itself.
It was really quite spectacular.”
By connecting to your Center, you tap into your own inner wisdom and unleash the healing power that lies within. The process of connecting with the inner center brings about a sense of peace, inner balance, and emotional healing.
In addition to promoting physical healing, Qi Abdominal Release empowers you to take control of your own health and well-being, and to live a life that is full of vitality, joy, and purpose.

Your Power House
vital energy originates from your center
- Nikolaus Prachensky
Austrian Consulate member
“An incredible feeling of peace and stillness came over me, and with every touch I felt my stress and other, deeper feelings dissolve. I forgot time, and was in the “zone” for 1 1/2 hrs that passed like minutes. Deep subconscious feelings came up, burst and dissolved, I was fundamentally moved and and came out of that therapy in a state of bliss. That night I slept like I haven’t in a long time.”
The Power House
The lower abdomen is the core of our being, the center from which all life flows. It serves as the center of movement, breath, and gravity. It is also the hub of important metabolic processes like digestion, detoxification, and energy production.
In Traditional Oriental Medicine and martial arts, this area is known as the hara in Japanese or tantien in Chinese, and it is considered to be the body's center of energy, where vital force originates.
When we nurture and nourish this sacred center, we tap into a boundless reserve of energy and power, and we are able to live our lives to the fullest.
* Sessions
* Sessions
250 EUR
Adiel Mor,
Founder Coco Cacao & Chocolate Temple
“I was touched in places I have never been touched before. So much was released from these places, so much emotional pain, so much toxins, I felt the importance of what I was going through. Tears bursted out, I felt like those tears have been waiting to come out all my adult life. I wept for what seems like and hour, It was the deepest cry I have ever had. It felt like I was cleansed from deep fears and doubts, cleansed from deep pain that was stuck very deep in my body. It felt like i cried for all these times that I wanted to and didn’t cry because I have been brought up with the LIE that men shouldn’t cry. Valerie thank you for freeing this pain.”

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